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What Makes Streaming Bundles Work

When it comes to bundling streaming services, 除了价格,还有其他因素需要考虑, product differentiation, and the content offering the bundle will deliver. 根据 Roku的 Anastasia Pronin, 斐洛的 Adam Salmons, and 曼谷的 贾尔斯的舌头, 有效和盈利的流媒体捆绑包的关键是识别消费者的需求和痛点,并提供满足这些需求的捆绑包, and they explain how to do it in this clip from Streaming Media NYC.

The panel’s moderator, Monica Villar, Co-Founder & 首席执行官, Lightswitch, 小组问, “你认为什么是最终成功的关键因素?, be a differentiated offer to subscribers, makes economic sense, and makes sense for the partners? 成功的原因是什么?”

Well-rounded offerings and clear price segmentation

Anastasia Pronin, 团队领导, 合作伙伴增长, Roku, 强调提供全面内容的重要性. “We're able to see data around viewership overlap, which users are viewing multiple services on our platform. So all of that is really helpful,” she says. “But beyond that, pricing is important. Really thinking about your users and segmenting them. 谁最有可能注册捆绑产品而不是独立产品? Who’s looking at the ad-free versus ad-supported products? 为不同的用户和不同的途径划分这些细分市场. 最终, 我认为这在很大程度上取决于我们的内容合作伙伴, 我们在这里是作为一个支持合作伙伴和平台来发布和营销这些捆绑包.”

Understanding value for the customer

Adam Salmons, Head of Content & Business Development, 菲罗, 强调理解产品对客户的价值的重要性. “拿很多我们都知道的品牌做例子是一回事, throw them into a bundle for a lower price, and hope that the subscribers come. 但我认为,这必须从回答消费者的问题开始。. “If you look at what 康卡斯特公司 announced, you've got 孔雀 与运动, 网飞公司 is your large general entertainment play, and 苹果电视 is your kind of more niche, high-end type of content play. 如此......以至于......, 对我来说, 这对一个家庭来说有意义吗?你会回到有线电视的体验中去吗, something for everyone.他还强调了这些捆绑包的良好执行以及连贯的产品整合和营销信息的重要性.

道说, “I think there's something complicated about bundling, not just from the composition of it, 还有数据和用户的理解.” She 小组问, “你觉得玩家是在期待或应对今天的挑战,还是认为这是未来的投资。?”

Knowing the different "flavors" of bundling

得了的贾尔斯的舌头表示,他们即将发布一份报告, 这是对内容提供商的各种采访,询问捆绑销售的痛点.他分析了采访中出现的一些问题. “有些结果是什么,确保你清楚自己为什么这么做,”他说. “Is this an awareness play? Is it an acquisition play? There are various reasons why you might go into bundling. Who's the right partner to do it with? 因此,我们使许多不同类型的公司,而不仅仅是电信公司,能够销售捆绑服务. So who's the right partner to go with? 明确你的目标以及你将如何衡量它们.”

He also discusses the “flavors of bundling.”“一种是硬捆绑,它与你捆绑的东西是免费的. Soft bundling, where there might be some options. Choose two or three things. And then what we call super bundling, such as Verizon +玩它是一个包含40多种不同类型(产品)的内容中心,”包括游戏和购物. “每一个都将有不同的结果,不同的结果驱动不同的目标,他说. “所以,在捆绑销售这个话题中有很多值得思考的地方.”

See more highlights and interviews from SMNYC.

Watch full sessions from SMNYC on-demand.

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